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Ярославские коммунальщики поменяют около 10 км сетей водоснабжения в селе М. Горького

В рамках поддержки со стороны Ярославской области в селе имени Максима Горького планируется заменить порядка десяти километров водопроводных сетей.

The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Yarvoal region of Russia is investing heavily in the modernization of its water supply systems. Specifically, the article highlights: * A planned replacement of 10 km of water supply networks in the village of Maxim Gorky. * Ongoing and completed projects to upgrade water pipes in other villages and towns within the Akimovsky district. * Total investment exceeding 170 million rubles from the regional government to support these improvements. The overall message is one of progress and investment in infrastructure for better living conditions in the region.

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